eBooks and Financial Models
eBooks provide small business owners with information and resources that can be immediately applied to their company. They can be downloaded in PDF format or select eBooks can be purchased on Amazon, ITunes or Barnes & Noble.
Customized Finance Tools are developed specific to your company’s needs. Financial Tools utilize built-in finance and accounting formulas and require limited data input. They are ideal for entrepreneurs applying for small business financing.
About the Author: Lori Williams click here. For Assistance: ContactUS@BusinessSimplyPut.com
Financial Modeling for Business Success. Learn How to Predict Business Outcomes.
Description: Are we making the right financial decisions? Is there something we don’t understand that could hurt us down the road? These questions plague business owners and keep them up at night. This eBook gives you the answer—in an easy to understand format that can be applied immediately to any size business.
If you knew how to calculate Performance Measurements managing your businesses finances would be easy. Business decisions would be based on facts not gut instinct. You would be able to remove the worrying about an unknown future. Learn these crucial formulas and start intelligently managing your business today.
Price $14.99 Pgs (38)
This book is currently only available through an email sent to:
How to Read Financial Statement: Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow
Description:Small business owners could make better economic decisions if they knew how to read financial statements. Essentially, anyone responsible for financial results should have at the least a general understanding of these accounting documents.This eBook was developed to provide non-finance people with a basic understanding of small business finance and accounting.
Price $14.99 Pgs (45) This book is currently only available through an email sent to: ContactUS@BusinessSimplyPut.com
To view the Financial Models available for purchase click here
Advanced Dashboards and Customized Models are available upon request. For pricing and availability send email to ContactUS@BusinessSimplyPut.com
60 Key Esentials to Business Success: Leadership, Strategy, Finance, Operations, Marketing and Sales
Description: Why do some businesses succeed and others fail? How can you make sure your business succeeds? Sometimes learning from the mistakes of others can be invaluable. This ebook defines a series of real life experiences learned while consulting with startups and small businesses. It offers a “Begin with the End in Mind” checklist for business success in key areas.
Price $7.99 Pgs (31) Available at Amazon and ITunes or by emailing ContactUS@BusinessSimplyPut.com
Planning Your Company’s Growth: A 10 Step Guide to the Strategic Planning Process
Description: Does your business have a specified direction? If something unexpected were to happen—do you have a plan? Do you know how to deal with competitors, changes in the economy or financial emergencies? Strategic planning is a crucial component of business planning, yet many small
business owners do not understand the process.
This eBook provides entrepreneurs and small business owners with a step by step guide.The information is written specific to small businesses and therefore does not include processes not applicable.
Price $9.99 Pgs (25) Available at Amazon and ITunes or by emailing ContactUS@BusinessSimplyPut.com